our journey into the world of bookbinding

Little things come in threes

In Books on 15 08 2011 at 19:00

Our three first minuatures (we are making more for sure!)

Avui ens hem dedicat a les miniatures. Tot ha començat fent un llibre amb una capsa de mistos com a portada, però ha acabat tenint germanets. Tots fan aproximadament uns 5 cm d’alçada i són realment llibres de butxaca! Tenim algunes idees de possibles usos, però de moment només estem treballant la tècnica i practicant. El llibre- capsa de mistos està cosit i encolat i té un marcapàgines, els llibres blau i bordeus només estan encolats, i no us penseu que no hi caben coses, no, tenen entre 150 i 176 planes! Petitetes, això sí, però també és interessant buscar una mica de concisió en aquest món en què vomitar paraules buides sembla tan fàcil! Així que no només són ben monos, no, també són una declaració de principis.


We recently paid a visit to the Lilliputians and were chastised for not obeying their rigid custom of presenting a gift to our gracious and generous hosts.  Thus, we are forced to pay tribute to these micr0-men or be sentenced to endure an hour long performance of their national choir… ouch!  Imagine cats in heat times one thousand! …

It turns out the act of rendering mini-books is a joy on par with or greater than spending hours gawking at photos on cute overload.  We don’t feel quite so stupid drooling and whimpering over these sweet things, after realising that they actually serve some purpose and can be quite useful for very specific cases, such as being adorable and manifesting dementia and  strange facial contortions in otherwise sane adults.

An aspect of these that is somewhat surprising, although shouldn’t be is that they actually host a fair number of pages despite their slight stature; we’ve managed to count about 160 in the blue one.

I’d like to think that these little wonders can facilitate a manner of concision in this world of endlessly increasing meaningless streams of cheap and empty words.  Essentially, they’re the twitter of the print world…. oh no!  Let’s hope the little ones put our gifts to good use.

The straight dope: The matchbox book is sewn while the two others are simply glued.

Here we are working carefully in one of the little notebooksHere you can see the covers and the matchbox book's bookmark.

  1. I també s’ha de tenir unes mans especials per poder-hi escriure alguna cosa!

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