our journey into the world of bookbinding

Hoch soll er leben!

In Books on 23 08 2011 at 15:28

It's re(a)d like a strawberry


He fet un llibre per l’aniversari del meu millor amic!  Queda molt bé, em sembla.  Una cosa és que he fet amb cosir japonès i això no funciona súper bé amb un llibre així, però, què hi farem, eh?  Estic molt content que continuo millorar i això passa només quan m’esforço de debò.

Per molts anys, nen.


We have another sheet of this hearty wrapping paper and I wanted to cut some to use for a notebook that was intended as a gift bestown upon my best friend for his concurrent birthday.  This is the result.  Finally, my efforts have born good fruit that hangs low from the tree; gotta love them easy pickins.

As ever, we had more of this containered colour-coded paper to use up and I oriented it to trim neatly the page-bottoms.  I had the half-baked notion of trying out a japenese stab-stich to hold in the block and turned out well enough, if a bit sloppy, but I will think thrice before attempting to implement that device ever again in such a thick book, especially a perfect-bound/hard-cover hybrid as this.

As you can see, Z impressed upon me the widsom of giving it a bookmark.

  1. Em sembla que algú ha de millorar una mica el català, no només el bookmaking! Que d’altra banda està molt bé…

  2. I ara que m’hi fixo, l’anglès també s’ha de repassar! (Després podeu eliminar aquests comentaris, vam quedar?)

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